Wolfmother - Wolfmother [2005]
We enter the Top 20 with one of the greatest, most inventive albums of all time.
On the surface, of course, Wolfmother's Wolfmother (ah, what a title - so succinct, so brilliant) is a subdued affair weighted with intelligence, but beneath the shy exterior there's a roaring beast. Song after song redefines music itself, while the raw tenderness at the album's heart is so powerful it makes me cry.
Woman could be the song The Beatles never wrote: a wistful, longing ode to a love gone by. "Woman," croons Andrew Stockdale. "Woman. She's a woman. Do you know what I mean? You'd better listen - listen to me. Woman." Poetry.
The sound of Wolfmother (there's that wonderful evocative title again!) is heavily and cleverly layered, unsurprising given the involvement of producer Dave Sardy. The mercurial genius has weaved his magic on many a band, always challenging them to do more and re-invent themselves with every release. It's a commitment that has seen him produce classic albums with such ever-innovative bands as Slayer, Oasis and Jet.
From start to finish, Wolfmother is complex and challenging. A subtly beautiful album deserving of its status as a modern classic.
... what? If you're not going to take this inclusion seriously, I'm not going to take the review seriously.
All I'll say in seriousness about Wolfmother's self-titled debut is that it's a great collection of simple loud rock songs. There's no pricking about - just ace tunes with huge guitar solos that should be played at full volume. The greatest compliment I can give is that it reminds me of Led Zeppelin; I must have listened to White Unicorn about 85 times.
So fuck cool - I like it. Although apparently Thom Yorke's a fan. Does that make it cool?