It's the age-old problem: how to get out of a regular commitment one time without everyone thinking you're rubbish.
Due to reasons that will absolutely not interest you, I simply have not had time to put together a blog this week. Not even a little one. I know: I managed it in Madeira and I managed it even when I was leaving to go to Madeira (making me late for the hotel), but this week it just can't be done. My deepest apologies.
I have thought of ways to try and do a short one and get away with it - the week in pictures, for example, or just one story - but I feel that would be lying to you, my readers. And you're all so lovely. I just couldn't do it.
So instead, I emerge from this smokescreen of cop-outs naked and embarrassed with nothing to cover my dignity. This week, you will not be able to read my opinions on the week that was.
Yes, this comes at a bad time, just after some more people have been drawn towards the blog and have been impressed by it. And yes, it's incredibly unprofessional to miss a week. But sadly, I have no option.
I hope you are not too disappointed, and I truly, truly hope you will come back next week. I promise you I will make it worth your while. Not literally, obviously, but it'll be a good one. Promise.
Much love